Archive for the ‘M-U-M Reports’ Category

Dec 2011 Meeting

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Our assembly had a very small, intimate group in December.  After a short meeting, Mike performed Sugar Rush (Search YouTube for “Sugar Rush”). Adam performed Daniel Garcia’s iCard. Larry added that the principle behind iCard comes from a Harry Anderson trick. The last 90 minutes was spent in interesting conversation and well-wishing.

September season kick-off

Friday, October 15th, 2010

The first meeting of S.A.M. Assembly #12 for the 2010-11 year took place September 17th at Eagle Magic Store, working loosely around a “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” theme. Jerry Martin led off with a rope trick in which a knot tied in the middle appears to jump off; Jerry’s effect was published in M-U-M 35 years ago, and will soon be featured on the S.A.M. National website. Dave Taylor presented a pair of gospel-themed illusions: one – his Pastor’s fave – shows how a broken direct phone line to God can be restored, and the other – one that looked a lot like an Egg Bag – was intended to be a Blackberry Spoiler. Adam Moore showed off a video his employer produced, in which Adam did a quick presentation of two scooters from a newspaper. Then, Steven Peer gave a demonstration of his “Made in America” elevator trick. Jack Nordin was next, using a 130-year-old magic table to present a slow-motion block penetration originally marketed by Town House Magic. The one and only Darnay the Magician followed with a bit of mind-reading with jumbo cards that had been surgically bisected; somehow, the two half-cards matched each other, as well as matching Darnay’s prediction. Larry Kahlow showed around a “Hot Rod” decoration, and talked about the vanish of a marked coin from a drinking glass, only to be found in the cash register’s till. Finally, Jim Rue rounded out the evening’s performances with the slow but inevitable vanish of three half dollars – very visual!

May 2010 Meeting: Escapes

Friday, June 11th, 2010
Dave Taylor, Jerry Martin, Mark Heinrich.

Dave Taylor, Jerry Martin, Mark Heinrich.

Perhaps it was the theme of escapes or the lure of strait jackets that
attracted a record 20 people to our May meeting. Meeting notes of
interest include the reminder that we do not meet in June, July, or
August; and that valued member Geoff Williams will be moving to Florida.

Thanks to outgoing president Adam Moore and V.P. Steven Peer and congratulations to incoming president Jerry Martin and V.P. Mark Heinrich.

With the close of the meeting, Jack Nordin opened with the squeeze away blocks performed on a circa 1890 table that may have been owned by Houdini.

Darnay revealed the light and dark side of famed magician Jay Marshall.

Brent Andera performed a 5-phase ring & rope routine.

Dave Taylor, in full bi-wing pilot regalla, performed his rendition,
with permission, of Hank Moorehouse’s strait jacket escape (complete
with Dave Rose’s “The Stripper”).

In humorous style, Justin Alan performed two rope escapes.

Rick Ausland tap danced on a custom luggage-stage he’d invented. Adam Moore donned a strait jacket, but only for the 30 seconds it took to escape – the length of the musical excerpt from Mission: Impossible (see it here)

Mark Henrich, in homage to Indian- magician Kahn Be Singh, performed his “classic” ring-off-snake.

Geoff Williams performed a fiction-imitating-life version of cups and balls to poetry where three old men, in their “tubs”, somehow ended up retired to Florida.

Larry Anderson, circa 1970

Larry Anderson, circa 1970

Host and Eagle Magic Shop owner Larry Kahlow wrapped-up the evening retelling his 1970s death-defying antics of suspending “friend” Larry Anderson 5-stories over a downtown mall, in strait jacket, using only old, semi-rotten ski rope.

April & the 3 of C

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

April 16, 2010, Burnsville, MN — The theme of our April meeting was to contemplate and celebrate the magical properties of the three of clubs (Tarot meaning of comprehension; also favorite forced card of Penn & Teller).

Adam Moore performed “Thinking Cap,” where the group “somehow” divined the 3C. Steven Peer premiered “Emote,” a mind-reading effect he’d just learned at a Tyler Erickson workshop. Dave Taylor shared his love of strait jackets and handcuffs; then flawlessly dealt out Don Allen’s “Big Deal.” Host and Eagle Magic Shop owner Larry Kahlow performed “Stop Trick” where, incredibly, the spectator dealt to the 3C! Darnay told a charming story-effect about his trip to NYC where he was introduced to the 3 card monte (Tonte’s version). Charlie revisited Zen’s classic card & envelope trick, “My Fifteen Card Trick.”

Last up, Jack Nordin took us back in time as he slowly assembled a beautiful, vintage, brass P&L magician’s table (just one in his vast collection). On that table, Jack performed his vintage, Thayer-made “Blue Phantom” effect.

Hecklers & Disasters

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Whether Karma, a poor night’s sleep, or unaccounted variables, things happen to undermine our otherwise “perfect” performances. Tonight was a retelling of such disasters.

Dave Taylor shared when 8-year olds – hopped-up on soda and confronted by the sassy patter of Hippity-Hop rabbits – rushed the stage.  Thank God for the chicken wire.

Jerry Martin told how he recovered from his finger chopper effect when he inadvertently selected a woman who was missing two fingers.

Sandy Meyer retooled some classic effects in St. Patrick’s day “clothing” including the Professor’s nightmare and Grandma’s necklace.

Steven Peer played the “Mr Obvious” role with his caution (from personal experience) never to accept a one-hour kid’s show.

Eagle Magic shop owner (and meeting host) Larry Kahlow shared “hip-hop” Hippity-Hop patter and a few dove disasters. He also explained how he controls children’s shows by playing past the kids to the parents.

Aaron Timmerman was brief, yet succinct in his observation that relatives can make the worst audience.

Towards avoiding problems with floating bill effects, Kenny Shank walked us through his quest to find the perfect ITR.

Adam Moore retold when his sub trunk nearly “truncated” the evening. Then he performed his multiplying billiard balls routine in order to replay one evening of heckler’s comments.

Darnay observed that heckling, over the years, has diminished as magic has grown in respect. From his newspaper archives, he recited some classic heckler-comebacks used by Henny Youngman.

Lastly, Jerry told us of a show he’d never forget for returning WWII amputees and one man’s resolve when he went to clap for the first time, realized he couldn’t, and instantly adapted by clapping his lone hand to his knee.

Assembly 12 had a “sponge-worthy” evening

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

February 19, 2010:
The theme of sponge-magic began with Bruce Kilber using a coin purse-frame to produce sponge balls. Dave Taylor explained that he prefers square shaped sponges as, “they don’t roll away.” Adam Moore performed Color Changing Ball to Jumbo Square and shared the success-story of his first Super-X levitation utilizing a volunteer. Host Larry Kahlow gave us a wonderful history of sponge magic and samples of today’s varieties. Both Larry and David Stahl shared Al Goshman stories that we won’t repeat. Darnay gave us a peek at (perhaps) the word’s largest sponge-rabbit.

The evening wasn’t all sponge magic. Brent Andera introduced us to PowerBall-60, the Sander’s/Abbott retooling of the classic magic number square prediction effect.

Joe Otto demonstrated one way to stop annoying cell-phone interruptions with his cell-phone into water bottle penetration. David Stahl demonstrated a delightful bill packet switch.

Kenny Shank performed the illuminating 4-lamp, switchbox effect and Jack Nordin shared from his collection of Chinese sticks, the square fishing poles.

It was after all the formal presentations, in a corner of the room where, surrounded, Tom O’Lenick quietly and casually held an ordinary brass bolt while the nut slowly and magically unscrewed into a spectator’s hand (all to be instantly examined). What a way to end the evening. [ now available]

Assembly 12 members riveted on sponge-magic
Assembly 12 members riveted on sponge-magic

September Meeting Report

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Jerry Martin performing Blok-Kord

Jerry Martin performing Blok-Kord

We began the September meeting by noting the obvious — that we’re meeting in a new place — and thanking Larry and Jennifer Kahlow for Eagle Magic’s hospitality. We also welcomed guests and new members Brent, Marc, Charlie, and Todd.

Next we had convention reports. Mike Arazi and Dave Taylor reported on the Houdini Convention in Wisconsin with headliner George Saterial from Boston. The convention was held at a beautiful hotel. Unfortunately, attendance was low this year. Mike brought some extra commemorative t-shirts produced by Tim Taylor which he offered to sell after the meeting to anyone who was interested.

Adam Moore reported on the I.B.M. convention held at the impressive Opryland Hotel in Nashville. The Thursday evening show directed by and featuring Jorge Blass with David & Dania, Yuji Yamamoto, Kyle Eschen, Latimer, and An Ha Lim was excellent. Other favorite events included Losander’s lecture and David & Dania’s quick-change workshop.

Jerry Martin attended MAGIC Live in Las Vegas. He particularly liked the one-hour, one-man-show Expert at the Card Table starring British magician Guy Hollingsworth which brought the Erdnase story to life. The show, produced by Neil Patrick Harris, had excellent story and stagecraft, and Guy’s character was suave and smooth. Jerry really liked it when a gentleman in the front row, who turned out to be Teller, was asked to pick a card and it happened to be the three of clubs. (Years ago in a book by Penn & Teller, they asked magicians to use the three of clubs as an international force card.)

Closer to home, Mike talked about visiting with British pickpocket Lee Thopmson from the cast of Cirque du Soleil’s Kooza. (Kooza was in town this summer.) He began developing a pickpocket act when, during his magic show, a volunteer’s watch came off as Lee was leading him to the stage. The volunteer didn’t realize it, so Lee took that opportunity to magically produce it at the end of the routine. This elicited such a positive reaction from the audience, that he began working in earnest to deliberately make pickpocket effects part of his show.

Next month, instead of the regular October meeting, our Assembly will host a magic auction. All magicians are welcome. This will be the great spot to turn old tricks into cash … so you can snap up the great deals on new ones all while supporting your local S.A.M. Assembly 12! There will be flat fee of a $5 to bid and/or sell. This will be waived for Assembly 12 members who have paid their local dues for 2009–2010. (Haven’t paid your dues? You can do so at the door or mail your check to Secretary/Treasurer Dave Taylor.) In the interest of time, we ask that sellers bundle smaller items as the opening bid will be $5. Each seller will have 10 minutes to show his or her items. This event will support the Assembly with a 10% commission on all sales.

To celebrate our new meeting location, the theme for this month’s performances was “tricks purchased from Eagle Magic.” Dave started with “Everyone’s a Critic.” Jerry followed with “Blok-Kord” which Doris sold to him. Darnay was next with a Ball & Vase routine and shared his experience purchasing his first Ball & Vase from Colin Pence. Dwight Exe assisted Jim Zurales with “Devistation” using a borrowed deck that (maybe) had been purchased from Eagle. Larry made an announcement that he is interested in acquiring Eagle Magic Shop memorabilia. He then performed and shared stories about the “Miracle Ball.” Donn French shared his take on the theme by demonstrating props he bought that he couldn’t get to work. Kenny Shank showed and talked about the book Counts, Cuts, Moves and Subtlities that he bought from Eagle when he got back into magic. Adam performed a color changing silk routine with silks he purchased on his first visit to Eagle. Dwight wrapped things up with a jumping rubber band routine.

May Meeting: Elections

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009
Dwight Exe and Jennifer Kahlow

Dwight Exe and Jennifer Kahlow

Elections were held for Assembly 12 officers. The current officers — Adam Moore, President; Steven Peer, Vice President; Dave Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer — were voted in for a second term. The National Council ballot was subsequently reviewed, and Tom O’Lenick was selected as a delegate to the National Council Meeting.

Bruce Jensen is doing well according to Larry and Jennifer Kahlow who had just come from visiting him. Dave reported on his recent trip to Des Moines, IA for Magic Maynia where he saw Fielding West, Justin Alan, and Steve Daly. Larry attended Magic Collectors Weekend in Chicago where Minneapolis-based Tad Ware gave a presentation on Nicola showing never-before-seen photos of the sinking ship that was carrying Nicola’s show.

Jack Nordin gave a mini-lecture on magic tables focusing on P&L flanges, casters, and dragons. Aaron Timmerman performed Extreme Burn by Richard Sanders while telling how he ended up doing this trick in a Vegas casino. Donn French was on next with his trained fleas. Darnay then shared an impromptu card prediction with a borrowed deck that he uses in social situations. Adam performed Art Emerson’s Color Monte which reminded Larry of the time Art sat next to him at a convention, poured a glass of what turned out to be Vodka from a Mr. Clean bottle, and offered it to Larry. Dave performed Card Warp. Dwight Exe threaded Jennifer’s ring on a rubber band and caused it to move uphill. Tom wrapped things up by showing the program from the Tenth Annual Conference on Magic History (held in Los Angeles in November 2007) on Dr. Hooker’s “Impossibilities and Rising Cards.”

April Meeting: Magic from MUM

Friday, May 15th, 2009

Jack Nordin performed his Classic “puzzle” Chinese sticks.  William “Darney” VonStocken showed us the shrinking sandwich sign, a snake fakir trick and a magic square.

Jerry Martin introduced us (by bio) to the magician-mathematician Percy Darconis and described a long-distance card trick where a mailed deck is shuffled by the recipient and a card selected.  Mailed back, the magician calls the spectator with the name of the selected card.

Dave Taylor entertained us with a four-ace production from Card College.  Bruce performed Oscar Munoz’s version of reversing aces  (un-gimmicked, impromptu).

Kenny, with Don McLean’s American Pie playing, performed an illusion where, just as the “music died”, so did a music CD disappear from a wooden frame.   We were also entertained with the bill-to-matchbook classic.

President Adam Moore, also with musical accompaniment, performed a routine from the November 2008 issue of M-U-M inspired by Robert Service’s poem, “The Shooting of Dan McGrew.”

Remember, starting September 18, 2009, Assembly 12 will meet at Eagle Magic in Burnsville, MN — 4 lights east of 35W on Hwy 13 and CR 11, the southeast corner; look for the Remax sign.

-Steven Peer

Assembly 12 Celebrates 86th anniversary with a “Past Presidents Performance”

Monday, April 13th, 2009

Reminder:  Twin Cities Assembly 12 begins meeting at the new location of Eagle Magic Shop, Burnsville starting Sep, ’09 (same day/date).

The past presidents of Assembly 12 representing 27 years of leadership joined us for a special evening where the leadership performed for the members.

William VonStocken (72-73,93-95) opened with a version of “cut here” as a newspaper prediction. 

Jack Nordin (74-75, 76-77), in tux, presented Gospel stories using the juggling ball transposition and Chinese rice bowls.

Jerry Martin (86-88; 99-2001) opened with comic juggling. A humorous rendition of the 3 rope trick including a shoelace conundrum.

Bruce Colton (88-90) entertained us with a three card illustration of the classic story of the wool sweater, a party, and an emaciated Mexican Chihuahua.  Bruce closed with a dual, any card at any number routine.

Mike Arazi (95-99) performed a great poker routine.

Current president Adam Moore performed the teach-a-(teach-a)-trick version of the vanishing silk (& egg). 

Jim Kostick (04-05) had us laughing with his giant (hula hoop) linking rings. 

Dave Taylor (05-07) complete with stripping music, performed the classic Hank Moorehouse straightjacket routine.