Elevate the Art of Magic

Society of American Magicians, Assembly 12

Chartered in 1923 by Harry Houdini and based in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota) metro area, we are Assembly 12 of the Society of American Magicians. Today, it is the oldest and most prestigious magical society in the world with approximately 300 Assemblies worldwide. The primary purpose of the S.A.M. is to advance, elevate, and preserve magic as a performing art. Our members are magic performers, dealers, collectors, and historians — including professionals, serious hobbyists, and students.

Next Event

Feb 21, 2025 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Burnsville, Minnesota
Assembly 12 members and guests sharing and learning at various events
  • January 2025 Meeting Report

    Happy New Year from SAM12!! This month’s theme is “Magic with Heart” as we look ahead to Valentine’s Day. We had a large group of 17 people in person at Eagle Magic, with no one joining us via Zoom.

    During the Business portion of our meeting, we reminded everyone of our annual SAM12 magic auction on February 21st. It’s a chance to sell unwanted magic and/or buy someone else’s unwanted magic. We also plan on having our 2nd annual Movie Night, complete with a special guest star. Finer details are still being worked out, but it’s scheduled for March 21st.  SAM12 President Kevin Smith threw out the idea of adding a book club section to our monthly meeting. After much debate we put it to a vote and it passed!! Now that it’s passed, we will work out the details and hopefully start the book club with our April meeting. Stay tuned!! Other magic news: Keith Hochstedler recently performed for 20 ten year olds and had to deal with a heckler in the front row the entire show. That led to a great discussion on how to deal with hecklers of various ages and what realistically “should” happen. 
    Performances: Manny Betinis did an entertaining sponge heart routine, complete with awful puns. SAM12 Treasurer Adam Moore did a great performance of a borrowed ring appearing on a wand held by two spectators. Paul Ladig produced a huge bouquet of flowers from his Tora Rose Botania. Finally, Sandy Meyer brought down the house with a series of Valentine’s Day-themed tricks! Thanks, Sandy!!

    The evening ended with the usual socializing and snacks. Next month we’re having our annual SAM12 Magic Auction. Join us in person or online from anywhere in the world via Zoom. Get the details at SAM12.org.

    Look for this in the March 2025 MUM Magazine

  • January Hybrid Meeting!

    Happy New Year!! It’s time for the SAM Assembly #12 Hybrid meeting!

    We’re meeting on Friday, January 17, at 7:00 PM. Our theme this month, chosen by December attendees, in anticipation of next month’s holiday, is “Magic with Heart! (Or Valentine Magic)” We never get to use this theme during February because of the auction (see below), so this year we’re doing something different…

    We’ll meet at Eagle Magic and Joke Store. (Eagle Magic is in Burnsville, MN, 4 lights east of 35W on Hwy 13, southeast corner, next door to the BP gas station.) Bring potluck snacks to share. Connection information for the virtual view of the meeting will be sent before the meeting.

    See you on Friday, either in person or online!

    P.S. Annual Auction–gather items to sell next month!

    We are hosting an auction in February, and now’s the time to find the magic props, books, videos, collectibles, etc. that you’d like to sell. This will help give your fellow magicians a nice selection of items to bid on and, the more you sell, the more new-to-you treasures you can win!

  • December 2024 Meeting Report

    Our December meeting was our annual Chili Dinner and Holiday Celebration! 13 people joined, plus one via Zoom, so it was a large crowd at Discovery United Methodist Church. Special thanks go to Sandy Meyer (and Steve!) who catered the dinner. The menu was chili, cornbread casserole, coleslaw, and an array of brownies, cookies, and cakes for dessert. Very good food, and everyone enjoyed it.

    The business portion of the meeting was short, and included a brief confirmation of our upcoming 2025 meetings: January-normal meeting (theme: hearts and valentines), February–our Annual Auction, March–our “move night” (movie and guest To Be Announced…)

    For the rest of the meeting, there were many conversations, stories told, and a couple of tricks presented (Paul Laidig demonstrated his work-in-progress goldfish production, and Larry Kahlow showed us the Stop Light trick). 

    Everyone enjoyed the food and the company, and it was a great end of the year celebration. SAM 12 wishes everyone a Happy New Year, and please join us for our next meeting, in person or online from anywhere in the world via Zoom. Get the details at SAM12.org!

    Look for this in the February 2025 MUM Magazine

Assembly 12 members perform in Minnesota Jewish Community Center’s “Houdini’s 150th Magic Show!”

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