President Kevin Smith called the January meeting of the Assembly 12 to order that was held at Eagle Magic and Joke Store. The fourteen members attending included: Kevin Smith, Paul Black, Brad Gudim, Larry Kahlow, Tom O’Lenick, David Stahl, Drew Hanson, Todd Anderson, Adam Moore, Manny Betinis, Don Bursell, Jerry Martin, Paul Cook, and Roger Schmitt.
A short business meeting included our current Treasurer’s report (about $2400 is available for events and lectures), an idea for a fundraising event and discussion about meeting dates and nights. Larry Kahlow agreed to be committee chair to look into possible lectures. Brad Gudim will head up a committee to discuss fundraising options for the group. No changes were made regarding our regular Friday meeting nights. Our next meeting date was changed to Friday, Feb 28th.
Performances followed. Manny Betinis asked a question about which type of sponge ball vanish of two he demonstrated was perfered by the group. Drew Hanson produced a flaming business card from his wallet and did an effect that used the timer app on a cell phone. Don Bursell performed Ben Blau’s “Unphased,” a card matching effect. Adam Moore did a clever book test using a Harry Potter book. Tom O’Lenick showed a new booklet written by Nick Diffatte called “Funny,” now in its second printing. And finally, new member Roger Schmitt had a card selected which matched another in an envelop using the “Bernard Billis Switch”.
Coffee, chocolate chip cookies and other treats were enjoyed by the members with continued fellowship by everyone until late in the evening. Our next meeting will be the annual SAM Hocus-Pocus Assembly 12 auction. Sort through your stuff to sell and we will see you on Friday, Feb 28th.