The snow has begun melting and Spring finally has taken root in Minnesota with temps above freezing which resulted in a good turn out for our March meeting. Unfortunately, a few regulars were not able to attend due to work conflicts and vacations in warmer locations. Nevertheless, we had spirited discussion and some great magical performances. Our theme was “Magic with thumb tips, sixth fingers, Sanada gimmicks and other appendages that can create great magic.”
President Tom O’Lenick introduced guest John Gaspard who was on hand to promote “Sunday Night Magic” to the group. John, one of the three organizers of the monthly event at Theater in the Round, told everyone about the upcoming Peter Samuelson lecture and show happening in a week. Local magician and SAM member Steve Carlson is the opening act. Gaspard also introduced the new concept of “Flight Time” which will give some individuals a chance to perform in front of a “magic friendly” audience to try out new material. Pop Hayden is scheduled to appear at a Sunday Night Magic in the near future.
Next up we chatted about the book Del Ray, America’s Foremost – The Magician for His Time. We were fortunate to have one of Del Ray’s closest friends, David Stahl on hand to share some fascinating personal stories about Raymond Petrosky and his magic. If you are not aware of his magic you owe it to yourself to look him up on the internet!
Our performances for the evening began with Drew Hansen opening with a handkerchief vanish using a thumb tip in a non-traditional way. The hank went into the “TT” but it left the hand by way of the Vernon Wand Twirl vanish. A few moments later the handkerchief came back with the “TT” hanging at the end of the cloth. Drew got lots of laughs from the group!
Next, Kevin Smith had a card selected and returned to the deck. He then looked for the “unique and different” card. He found three that seemed to match and finally the chosen one stood vertically on it’s own in front of him making it very “unique and different.”
Our host, Larry Kahlow showed two booklets on Thumb Tips Tricks that were written by the late Gary Darwin of Las Vegas. Kahlow passed around a collection of thumb tips he has acquired over time. Then, also chatted about various gimmicks including the metal thumb tip used for vanishing a cigarette and the production of a silk from a cocktail napkin using a sixth finger. Something that local Minnesota magician Al Schneider often demonstrated as part of his lectures.
Finally, Gary, an Assembly #12 guest, showed a clever signed bill switch which used a $1 Million Bill. The spectator’s borrowed signed bill was then found inside a sealed envelope that had been contained within two zippered bags. Well done and welcome, Gary!
Snacks, casual performances and magical conversations continued well into the evening.